
Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies

Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies


I attempt to study in this paper the rhetorics of prophetical sayings in the light of semantics. This study comprises introductions to the concepts of prophetical sayings, It based on previous studies about rhetorical structure in prophetical saying. In addition, it discusses other related concepts such as: word order, omission, insertion, definiteness vs. indefiniteness, styles of exception, and junction vs. disjunction. I stated some examples of prophetical sayings in context of analysing its rhetorical values. It has been assured at this study that the prophet has surpassed eloquent Arabs in that he invented new styles which has not been experienced before him. Thus, his sayings have been considered as trustful sources of language and art of speech. The prophetical texts adduced here reveals varieties of acute rhetorical denotations, which in turn collaborates with general meanings of prophetical sayings. This collaboration gives the sayings of the prophet its powerful influence and its acute rhetorical sense. Such study assures that there is a need to associates the scholarship of classical Arabic rhetorics and its disciplines with the study of Hadith.At the end, this target will impose further extensive investigations.