Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies

This research deals with the important topic of the sciences of the Quran, and it is the influence of the Quranic context on the meaning, via Abi Hayyan's exegesis.
I collected the bases of this topic so that to avoid confusion, especially as this is both a theoretical and practical study.
I exhibited Abi Hayyan's regard of what the context indicates of the meanings, both clearly and by allusion. It became clear that he - may Allah have mercy on him - closely examines the sequence of the verses, notices the closest meaning, then deems it more accurate.
The results have indicates that Ibn Hayyan took the Quranic context as a scale which he weighs by the opinions of the scholars of exegesis which have proceeded him in clarifying the meaning, so he accepts what opinions fit with the context and refuses what conflicts with it.
Recommended Citation
Qatawneh, Asim Mohammad and Azzyout, Abdullah Ahmad
"أثر السياق القرآني على المعاني من خلال تفسير أبي حيان The Effect of the Qur’anic Context on Meanings through the Interpretation of AbiHayyan,"
Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies: Vol. 15:
3, Article 17.
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