
Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies

Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies


This research is about the connection of Prophet Noah peace be upon him Story’s and this story had been repeated for a few times in The Holy Quran mainly in Surah Al-Qamar, and Al-A’raf. On top of that, it potrays the important manifestations which emphasizes and the stories of The Holy Quran. Therefore, it is analyses the rationalisations of Noah’s stories for both of the surahs; Al-Qamar and Al-A’raf by using two methods; inductions and deduction approach in collecting any information that are founded in books, analysing related texts and deduce the rationalisation for the story depending on the surah. at the end, this research has obtained some significant findings; both surahs are makki verses contents story of former nations for example story of Prophet Noah Alaihissalam and his disbeliever’s people; which is to calm Prophet Muhammad’s peace be upon him heart, when faces his fellow-Meccans and their rejection of One God. Likewise, that he is not alone on the path of the call and the Prophetic message, and objections that his raised by the people with regard to his prophethood were the same. Thus, scenes of surah Qamar.