
Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies

Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies


This study is based on the study of the method ofal Jassas in the introduction of the Qur'anic readings and their effect on the jurisprudential rule and the interpretative meaning of the Qur'anic verse. This study came in two sections in addition to an introduction, an prefaceand a conclusion. Where the researcher dealt in the first topic of al- Jassas method in the introduction of Quranic readings. As for the second topic, the researcher showed the effect of theQur'anic Readings on the jurisprudential judgment and the interpretative meaning. The research ended with a number of results, including the recitation of al-Jassas for Quranic readings (al-Mutawatira) in its interpretation and Support the doctrinebased on Quranic Readings and the al-Shaththa Reading.