
Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies

Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies


The study has discussed the concept of mental probabilities "lexically and contextually" and the relation between them. This study had been divided into three chapters and conclusion. First chapter discussed the types of mental probabilities and the scientists' opinions. It had been divided into two sections. First section discussed types of mental probabilities and second section discussed the modernists' vision. There is no previous studies had discussed this matter. I found that the modernists had three directions. First direction represented by Al Hafez Ibn-Hajar, Ibn Hazm Alzaheri and their followers and the contemporary scientists/ Ibn Othaymen and the second direction is represented by Al Imam Al Kamani, Alainy and the great scientist: Hasan Alattar. Third direction represented by Alsheikh Alkashmeiri and Alsheikh Abdulkarem Alkhudair. Second chapter discussed the mental probabilities in the consequence and text. It included fifth sections. Third chapter discussed the narration of hadith by meaning and mental probabilities effect in the evidence. Conclusion of study focused on the important results and recommendations.