
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


This research tackles the theoretical vision of the issue of forming the quaternary words in Arabic. The research embraces the hypothesis highlighting that the quaternary is not improvised etymologically speaking, taking in consideration its commonness at the form of four connected consonants.

The research is a part of a progressive study "The Quaternary and The Quinary Structures of Word Roots in Arabic: A morphological Semantical Applied Study" about the existence of the quaternary words in the ancient, medieval and modern scripts represented by the Holy Quran, al-Mufaddalyyat, al-Hadeeth in Saheeh Muslim, al-Muqabasat, the Thesaurus of Arab Proverbs by abd al-Rahman Afif, and al-Shawqyyat to reveal its semantic and pragmatic values. It also reveals its Arabic and foreign etymological forms, syllabification and morphology in roots and derivatives. In order to prove the hypothesis, the research focuses on three points; the linguistic value of the quaternary among the old and contemporary scholars, the ways of forming the quaternary, and the location of the fourth consonant in the root.

The research concludes that the quaternary is etymologically a derived structure comes out of a smaller structure; almost tripartite and binary sometimes. In addition, the location of the fourth letter is not determined in the initial, the middle or the rear and its forming is not restricted by the standardized derivative suffixes, prefixes or infixes, but it can be formed of all Arabic alphabets
