Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Volume 23, Issue 1 (2022)
Reflections on the Secrets of the Last Letters of the Qur’anic Commas : Surat Al-Mu'minun as a Model
Biography in Palestinian Literature: Mahmoud Al-Samra’s "The Rhythm of Range" As a Model: Dimensions and Style
Raghda Al-Zboun
The Rhetoric of Submission and Delay between the Transferee and the Transferor: Surat Al Imran as a Model
Sua’ad Jaberah and Fooz Nazal
The Structure of the Quaternary Words in Arabic: A Study in the Origin and the Structural Form
Abdelhameed Al-Aqtash and Khamees Al-Sallaj
Singular Case: "Semantic Grammatical Study Examples from the Holy Quran"
Bashar Egdeaat and Mohammad Awad
The Relationship between Language and the Principles of Arabic Language Jurisprudence
Majdi bin Eid bin Ali Al-ahmadi
The Physical Fields in Asas Al Balagha: "A Semantic Study"
Malik Yousef Mahmood Ghunemat and Abd Al qader Bany Baker
Mubarak Bin Sayf Al Thani: Diversified Images of One Entity
Yousef M. Addous Prof. Dr.
The novel "Drew a Line in the Sand" for Hani Alrrahib between self-flagellation and Condemnation of the Other Reading a Model in the Political Novel
Mohammad Al-Shawabkeh and Ahmad Al-Kharsha
Transformations of Text and Meaning in the Arab Critical Thought: A Study in the Term of Generating and Reproduction
Amal Abdullah Ali malkawi
The Syntactic Analysis and the Parsing of the Subject of the Negative Particle (La) in Arabic
Sateh Al-Thunebat and Zakaria Al-Btoush
Impact Anxiety
Nawal Ayoub
Quranic References to the Events of the Prophet's Biography in the Civil Verses - A Thematic Study
Wa’el Ekraim and Khalid Al-Shouha
The Rule of The "Al-Tabee Tabee" and Its Application in the Islamic Insurance Companies
Khalid Salim Al-Azmi and Abdel Naser Abu Al-Basal
The Indonesian National Zakat Board (BAZNAS): Islamic Economic Evaluation
Ria Tohawi and Ahmad Al-Saad
The False Hadith According to Ibn Hibban: An Applied Study Through His Book “Al-Majrouhin”
Inad Ghalib Al-Ghanaim
Jurisprudent Rules Related with Mishaps of Charity Deed and their Applications in the Financial Side
Fadi Saud Al-Jbour
Isolation: Realistic Community Study
MohammadA. Al-Bahr
Jurisprudence Assessment of the Capital of Financing Companies Affiliated to Conventional Banks Dealing with Islamic Finance Forms
Mohammed Bani Salman and Ahmed Al-Saad
The Rule If Guaranteed and Lost Were Generated from an Action, Lost Will Be Discarded, Guaranteed Will Be Considered
Nanil Magaireh
The Effect of the Occasions on the Al- Biqa'i Nterpretation of the Verses of Marriage and Divorce Verses
Nawaf Thiabat
Holding the Promise of Preference in Light of Islamic Jurisprudence and Jordanian Civil Law (A Comparative Study)
Niebal al-Atoum, Alaa El Borini, and Randa Al-Omari
Guidance and Its Meaning in the Light of Any Wise Mention
Yaser Assayed Nower
Prevalence of Functional Deviation Among School Teachers in Bethlehem Governorate from The Point of View of Directors and Supervisors
Ashraf Abu Khayran and Tharwat Khateeb
The Degree of Administrative Mechanisms Availability to Increase the Competitive Advantage at the Public Jordanian Universities according to Leverage Approach of Knowledge Management
Alaa Abu Rumman and أنمار الكيلاني
Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis Indicators of Scale of the Trends of E-learning of University of Technology and Applied Sciences Students'
humoud abdullah al-shukri
Self-concept and its Relationship to the Development of Professional Tendencies among Tenth Graders from Their Point of View
Rania Ma’aitah
The Effectiveness of Counseling Program Based on Mental Attentiveness in Improving Psychological Flow among Educational Counselors at Jordan
Saleh Al Khawalda and Sumaya Abu Ras
The Effectiveness of Counseling Program Based on Dialectical Behavioral Therapy in Reducing Impulsivity among Borderline Personality Disorder in Jordan
Maryam Mahroum and Saleh Al Khawalda
Technology Training Needs of Mathematics Teachers in Light of the Corona Pandemic (COVID -19)
Ibrahim El-Shara
The Relationship between Gifted Students and their Siblings and Some Variables Effect on that Relationship
Esra Asha and Muna Al Hadidi
The Extent to Which Arabic Teachers in Mafraq Governorate Contribute To the Preparation of the Curriculum in Light of a Number of Related Variables
Ibrahim Rbab’h and Hamdan Naser
The Mediating Role of Quality Service in Studying the Effect of Using Smart Applications on the Ethical Behavior for Sales Delegate Household Air Conditioners in Amman City: A Field Study
Mohammad Abu Jaleel and Tharwat Al-Hawamdeh
The Effect of Innovation Management on Innovatine Climate in State of Kuwait and Bahrain Kingdom
Fawwaz Al-Hammad and Affaf Bogoua
The Relationship between Work Atmosphere on the Innovative Behavior among the Administrators at Colleges of Applied Sciences in the Sultanate of Oman
mohamed suliman algaraidh
Al-Sakhra Company for Security Services and Consultations and its Role in Supporting Societal Security from the Perspective of Employees
Mohammad Al-Tarawneh and Majid Al-Qabaleen
Public Administration in Jordan: The Administrative Process 1921-1927
Ayman Abu-Faris and Abdelkareem AboSukar
The Level of Professional Behavior in the Jordanian Audit Firms from the Point of View of their Auditors in Light of American Auditing Standards / Personal Standards: A Survey Study
ابراهيم علي البحر, Amer Al-Bahar, and Hazem Al-Jaafreh
The Judicial Control on the Legitimacy of Executive Regulations in the Jordanian and Iraqi Legal Systems
Hiba Al Fadhli and Mohammed Ben Tareef
Water Importance and Conservation from Islamic Perspective
Abdelfattah Abdallah
Islamic Architecture
Jamilah Ashtawi
Analysis of the Flood Hazrad of a Selected Sample of the Northwest Valley Basins in Jordan based on the Morphometric Matrix Variables
Ghazi Al-Serhan, Ali Al-Ananzeh, and Samer Al-Nawaieseh
The Obstacles that Limit the Participation of Jordanian Woman in Political Parties and Parliament from the Viewpoint of Students of Al-Balqa University Center and Princess Rahma College
“Mohammad nour” Husain Bani Irshid
An Approach between Rational and Logical: An Analytical Study
Mohammad Al-Nawasreh
The Degree to Which Secondary School Students in Jordan Possess Digital Citizenship Skills
Dareen Abdelhadi and Youssef Arouri
Trade and Financial Openness and Financial Development: Is there Asymmetric Co-integration relationship? Evidence from Jordan
Ala'a Al-Dweik and Ghazi Al-Assaf