BAU Journal - Journal of Legal Studies

Prof. Dr Mohammad Kassem, Dean, Faculty of Law and Political Science, BAU
Editorial Secretary
Dr. Sara Zein, Assistant professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, BAU
Executive Editors
Prof. Walid Abdulrahim, Faculty of Law and Political Science, BAU
Assoc. Prof.Wafic Hijazi, Faculty of Law and Political Science, BAU
Assoc. Prof. Tarteel Turki Al-Darwish, Faculty of Law and Political Science, BAU
Assist. Prof. Ali Mourad, Faculty of Law and Political Science, BAU
Assist. Prof. Sarah Zein, Faculty of Law and Political Science, BAU
Consulting Editors
Prof. Ibrahim Najjar, Professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Science at Saint-Joseph University in Beirut; Attorney at Law; Former Minister of Justice
Prof. Fayez El Hajj Chahine, Former Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science at Saint-Joseph University in Beirut
Prof. Talaat Mohamad Dowidar, Former Dean of the Faculty of Law at Alexandria University
Prof. Omar Mohammad Salem, Former Dean of the Faculty of Law at Cairo University
Prof. Hani Mohamad Dowidar, Dean of the College Law at Abu Dhabi University
Prof. Fayyad M. Al-Qudah, Former Dean of the School of Law at the University of Jordan
Jdg. Prof. Sami Mansour, President Emeritus of the Court of Cassation-Lebanon; Professor of Law at Lebanese Universities
Prof. Gerard Blanc, Professor Emeritus and Former Head of Private Law department at Aix-Marseille University, France
Prof. Hicham Fadli, Professor and Head of Commercial Law department, Al-Manoufiya University, Egypt