Aims and Scope | MEJELSD Middle East Journal of Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Sustainable Development | Association of Arab Universities

Middle East Journal of Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Sustainable Development

Aims and Scope


1. To bring together the research community in the fields of concentration from Middle East. 2. To publish the scholarly work of the research community in the fields of concentration from Middle East and else where. 3. To help and assist the academic and managerial community to learn and understand the developments in the fields of journal concentration in the Middle East Scope In the context of middle east in particular and the world in general in recent years, small and medium enterprises abbreviated as (SMEs) begin to gradually replace large scale conglomerate businesses. This is due to the considerable impact SMEs had on economic life and society. It played a significant role in economy's ability to compete and to continue revitalization. However, in early stages, very few if any economic and managerial studies have paid attention to the particularities and meaning of companies and entrepreneurs behind SMEs growth. But this has changed recently, and the subject of entrepreneurship is now widely studied and applied for examining SME's. Both Entrepreneurship and SME development paradigm now have gained an increasing political, scientific attention which reflects how they have become a driving force of modern economic systems and have helped massively reduce unemployment rate, and poverty level, and provided many with social benefits.