Progress in Fractional Differentiation & Applications
Apr 2019
Mixed Conformable and Iterated Fractional Approximation by Choquet Integrals
George A. Anastassiou
Fractional Control of a 7-DOF Robot to Behave Like a Human Arm
Andre Ventura, Ines Tejado´, Duarte Valerio, and Jorge Martins
Numerical Method for Space- and Time-Fractional Telegraph Equation with Generalized Lagrange Multipliers
Amit Prakash and Manoj Kumar
Approximation of Fractional Order Conflict-Controlled Systems
Mikhail Gomoyunov
New Aspects of Caputo-Fabrizio Fractional Derivative
Mohammed Al-Refai and Kamal Pal
An Efficient Approach for Investigating the Solution of Fractional Singularly Integrodifferential Equations of First Order
Muhammed I. Syam and Mohammed Abu Omar