مجلة جامعة الإمارات للبحوث القانونية UAEU LAW JOURNAL

Aims & Scope

The UAEU Law Journal is an academic, specialized and refereed Journal that it is quarterly Published by UAEU College of Law. It is available online and in Print. (I) Journal Objectives: 1. Publishing original research concerned with recent developments in the different fields of law. 2. Strengthening the academic and intellectual contacts between the College of Law of the UAE University, peer universities, and other institutions. 3. Tackling contemporary human issues within the framework of law. 4. To follow up new academic trends in the fields of law, and as demonstrated in recently published books, modern translations, dissertations, and papers submitted to academic conferences and seminars.> Aims & Scope page here.< (III) Publishing Scope: 1) Academic Researches: Original articles in the fields of (Law). 2) Book Reviews: The Journal publishes reviews, evaluation, and critique of recently published books dealing with a noteworthy topic in juristic and legal fields. The book review should not exceed (8) printed pages, and covers main ideas along with points for and against. The cover page for review report should contain the author's name, book title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, number of pages, the reviewer's name, academic title, and university associated with. 3) Judicial Decisions and Advisory Opinions: The Journal publishes the most important decisions issued by the Federal Supreme Court of the UAE, Cassation Court of Dubai, legal opinions and principles of the Legislation and Legal Advice Dept., of the Ministry of Justice as well as the judgments and advisory opinions of the international Court of Justice, with comments on those rulings and opinions. 4) Reports on Symposia and Conferences: The Journal publishes reports on conferences, symposia, and seminars dealing with juristic and legal issues, which are held locally, regionally, and internationally. The report should not exceed (5) printed pages, and must be detailed and well-organized. It must cover all the items and papers which were presented, as well as the decisions and recommendations concluded, at the conference. 5) Summaries for Doctoral Dissertations & Master Theses: The Journal publishes summaries for accepted and approved recent doctoral and master dissertations that are carried out by researches from the UAE. The researcher should submit a summary which should not exceed (3) printed pages. The cover page should include the title, the researcher's name, supervisor's name, the academic department, and the institution name. (IV) Publishing Rules: 1. All contributions are subject to review and assessment in accordance with norms of refereed publications. 2. Contributions may be written in Arabic, English, or French. 3. Authors have to carefully apply acceptable research methodologies, as well as to observe academic values. 4. References and literature used in each page have to be clearly cited as footnotes. 5. Jurisprudential quotations must be fully punctuated and vocalized. 6. Authors have to observe that their manuscripts in compliance with linguistic rules. 7. Research papers should not exceed 40 (A4) pages, unless otherwise accepted by editors. 8. The researcher commits to signing the Pledge Form (in acknowledgment of the above). 9. Authors should make any required amendments according to the referees’ reports, and forward the revised version of their paper to the Journal within 15 days. 10. Authors' CV must be attached to the paper, including their name, title, area of specialization, employment, employer full address containing postal address, email address, and telephone numbers. 11. An abstract not less than 200 words and not exceeding 300 words must be submitted for each paper, both in Arabic and English. 12. Authors will be notified about receipt of their papers within one week. 13. Papers must to be word processed. Three copies of the paper must be submitted to the Editorial Board. Another copy must be provided on a floppy disk or forwarded by e-mail, in accordance with the following guidelines: A. Word processing has to be on Microsoft Word 2000 or later editions. B. Times New Roman font size (12) to be used for the paper body. C. Footnotes on Times New Roman, size (10). D. Main headings Times New Roman, bold (14). E. Sub headings Times New Roman, bold (12). (V) Citation: All reference citations within the text are to be identified as follows: First and last names of the author, book's title, page number(s), and year of publication between brackets. Example: H. L. A. HART, THE CONCEPT OF LAW (1994), 220. If there are more than three authors, first and last names of the first author should be provided followed by: et al., book's title, page number(s) and year of publication between brackets. Example: EDWIN B. FIRMAGE, et al., RELIGION AND LAW (1990), 189. First and last names of the author, article's title, journal's title, page number(s), and year of publication between brackets. Example: M. BASSIOUNI, Combating Impunity for International Crimes. 71 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO LAW REVIEW (2000), 409. All references should be listed sequentially at the end of the manuscript in an alphabetical order in the following manner: a) Books: JACK DONNELLY, HUMAN RIGHTS IN THEORY AND PRACTICE. USA: CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS (1989). In case there are more than three authors for the same reference, citation should be written in the following form: EDWIN B. FIRMAGE, BERNARD G. WEISS & JOHN W. WELCH, RELIGION AND LAW. USA: EISENBRAUNS (1990). b) Periodicals: M. BASSIOUNI, "CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY": THE NEED FOR A SPECIALIZED CONVENTION. 31 COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL LAW (1994), 457. c) Thesis: MOHAMMAD AL-QASIMI, ESTABLISHING AND INTERPRETING INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS STANDARDS: A UNIVERSAL IDEA IN A PLURAL SOCIETY, PHD THESIS, UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM, UK (1998). d) Chapter in a Book: MAHMOUD AYOUB, Law and Grace in Islam: Sufi Attitudes toward the Sharia, In RELIGION AND LAW, 221. FIRMAGE, et al. eds. USA: EISENBRAUNS (1990). (VI) Priority of Publishing: Publishing priority will be set according to the following criteria: 1. Research papers related to the UAE. 2. Date of receipt by the Editor-in-Chief. 3. Diversity of the subjects. (VII) Notes: 1. Technical considerations will control the order in which the papers will be arranged in each issue of the journal. 2. The papers submitted to the Journal will not be returned to authors, whether accepted or rejected. 3. No payment will be made to the authors of the published papers, book reviews or any intellectual work unless they are carried out at the Journal's official request. 4. Publication of research in the Journal is at no cost. 5. The editorial board disburses a monetary reward to the reviewers for evaluating the research papers submitted to the Journal. 6. The Journal's expenses are funded by the United Arab Emirates University. 7. An Author will receive one copies electronic of the Journal issue that his published paperمجلة جامعة الإمارات للبحوث القانونية UAEU LAW JOURNAL.