مجلة جامعة الإمارات للبحوث القانونية UAEU LAW JOURNAL


The Decision of the Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority No. (3/R. M) of 2017 concerning the Regulation of Promotion and Introduction Activities represent an important stage in the development of the regulatory regime of promotion of financial products in the UAE. This Decision complete the previous Decision No. (9/R. M) of 2016 concerning Mutual Funds which determinates the conditions for the promotion of Foreign investment Funds. The main problematic of this study is to determine whether the legal rules governing the promotion of financial products in UAE legislation provide adequate protection to the targeted investors. Several other problematics are related to the main one, and different questions arise concerning the extent to which the investor is protected during the promotion operation: What are the financial products that are covered by this protection? What is the objective and subjective scope of such protection? What are the protection aspects in the related legislations? How does the protection of investor affect the content of the promoter's obligations and the extent of his responsibility? The study aims to answer all these questions through two sections. The first one will determine the scope of the protection of investor in the promotion of financial products, while the second one will be devoted to the manifestations of such protection.



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