

This study aimed to reveal the degree of employment of Arabic language teachers in Jordan the principles of brain-based learning, and whether the degree of their employment these principles varies according to the variables of qualification and years of experience. The sample of the study consisted of (186) teachers in the Directorate of Education of the District of The Koura, in the first semester of the academic year 2019/2020. To achieve the objectives of the study, the scale of the principles of brain-based learning prepared by the researchers was used, which consisted of (30) paragraphs divided into six principles/fields. The results also showed that the degree of employment of Arabic language teachers in Jordan the principles of brain-based learning was moderate, and there were no significant differences in the degree to which Arabic language teachers in Jordan employed brain-based learning principles due to the variables of qualification and years of experience. The study concludes with several recommendations, the most important of which is to train Arabic language teachers on applying the principles of the Brain-Based learning in teaching situations and language learning.

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