
Association of Arab Universities Journal for Education and Psychology

Association of Arab Universities Journal for Education and Psychology


Abstract The study aimed to reveal the effectiveness of using teaching strategies in developing some levels of reading comprehension and the attitudes towards them among secondary first grade students in Jordan in the Arabic language subject in the second semester ( ٢٠٢١ - ٢٠٢٢). To achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers used study plans and two achievement tests, a pre-test and a post-test to measure the performance of the students of the study sample in the level of reading comprehension: creative reading and critical reading, before teaching them reading units and texts, and after teaching the units methods of active learning, brainstorming, and the six hats. A special scale was designed by the researchers to measure students' attitudes towards the level of reading comprehension. The validity and reliability of the tools were verified and the data were treated statistically and in an appropriate manner. The study population consisted of all secondary first grade students in the Directorate of Education in Zarqa, numbering (٨٧٧١) male and female students. The study sample included (١6٧) male and female students in (6) schools. The results of the study showed that there were differences in the test of the level of critical reading due to the method of brainstorming, and there were no differences between the averages of the performance of the sample members in the level of critical reading attributed to the gender variable or to the effect of the interaction of strategy and gender. The study also showed that there were differences in the creative reading level test attributed to the brainstorming method, and there were differences between the average performance of the sample members in the level of creative reading attributed to the gender variable in favor of females. In addition, there were no differences due to the impact of strategic interaction and gender. In light of the previous results reached by the researchers in this study, a set of recommendations and proposals were made in the field of education that would improve the level of education.
