Journal of the Arab American University مجلة الجامعة العربية الامريكية للبحوث

Volume 10, Issue 2 (2024)
"Allah will not unite this nation on misguidance " A prophetic tradition
Esam Shriar and Taher Alnnahal
The Degree of The Possession of Designing, Managing and Practicing Electronic Courses Competencies by Faculty Members at The Palestinian Universities
Ashraf Al Hennawi
Rhetorical Figures in Image: A Semiotic and Argument Approach
Youness Laghouibi
The Role of Parents in Achieving the Objectives of Therapeutic Kindergartens in Jerusalem from the Points of View of Parents and Teachers
Suhad Abdul Abdalrhmn, Nora Al-Hajj Othman, and Jultan Hijaz
The Effect of Corona Pandemic on Crime within the Family from the researchers’ Point of View in the Ministry of Social Development in the Southern West Bank
Kifah Manasra and Muhammad Okkeh
The Impact of Adopting UNICEF Growth and Development Modules in Enhancing Nursing Students' Knowledge: A Qualitative Study
Yousef Eljeesh and Mahmoud Ayash