"Constructing Norms of Upper and Lower Limbs strength, Body Composition" by Fatima Alfaqeeh, Abdel Naser Qadum et al.
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


The purpose of this study is to construct Norms of Upper and Lower Limbs strength, Body Composition, and Resting Metabolic Rate Amongst Female inPalestinian Technical Collage in Ramallah. Furthermore, determine the correlation coefficient among (the place of residence& practitioner) with (BF%, FFM, BMI, FAT-MASS, TBW, BSA, hand grip /right hand, hand grip/left hand,throw ball 2kg /right hand, throw ball 2kg /left hand, throw ball 2kg / with two hands). The sample consisted ofall female students (179) in Palestinian Technical Collage in Ramallah, and this constitutes (30%) of the community, sample which was chosen on purpose.Six physical test have been chosen for measuring the elements of Upper Limbs strength,they were: hand grip /right hand, hand grip /left hand,throw ball 2kg /right hand, throwball 2kg /left hand, throwball 2kg / with two hands. Tow tests for measuring the elements of Lower Limbs strength were used (Vertical jump, long jump), the measured variables include: RMR, body composition (BF%, FFM, BMI, FAT-MASS, TBW, BSA). Data has been gathered, codified, entered the computer and statistically processed by using the Statistical Package of the Social Science (SPSS).The results showed that there is a possibilityfor building standard levels. For Upper and Lower Limbs strength, Body Composition and Resting Metabolic Rate Amongst Female inPalestinian Technical Collage in Ramallah according to the ranks. There were significant differences at (0.05 = α) in Upper andLower Limbs StrengthBody Composition and Resting Metabolic Rate Amongst Female inPalestinian Technical Collage in Ramallah due to the variables of the (practitioner and non-practitioner) in favor of practitioner.There were significant differences at (0.05 = α) in Upper and Lower Limbs StrengthBody Composition and Resting Metabolic Rate Amongst Female inPalestinian Technical Collage in Ramallah due to the variables of the place of residence (camp,village, city) in favor of the city.There were significant differences at (0.05 = α) in the variable of BMI and RMR, BF%, FFM, TBW, BSA, Hand grip /right hand, Hand grip /left hand, long jump).According to the study results, several recommendations have beensuggested, the most important one is to prepare physical training programs relying on standard levels of the research community, in order to elevate the level of fitness of the students.
