"Online Shopping:Perspective the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use o" by Mohammad Al Bataienh and Mohammad Alafeef
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)


The present study aimed to demonstrate the extent of applying online shopping by in governorates (Irbid, Jerash, Ajlon and Mafraq)consumers, and the effect of trustworthy on adopting online shopping. In addition, the study aimed todetermine the factors affecting adopting online shoppingfrom the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) perspective. The population and the sample of this study were composed of the governorates of Jerash, Ajloun, Irbed and Almafraqonline shoppers. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed randomly and received back 223 questionnaires, which forms a percentage of 89% of the total number of questionnaires. 89% recovered questionnaires arestatistically considered acceptable ratio. The most prominent finding indicated that there is an impact of expected performance, expectedeffort and social effect on mentioned governoratesonline shopper’sbehaviors. Moreover, the findings show no statistically significant impact of trust on mentioned governoratesonline shoppers’ behaviors. In light of these finding, the researchers recommended to increase the online shoppers trust through the high credibility of the electronic companies by concerning more in terms of the electronicrequirements and demands and by providing sufficient infrastructures and programs thatare necessary for electronic shopping by mentionedgovernoratesonline consumers
