This study aimed at finding the practiced leadership styles and their Relation to administrative CommunicationStyles among public School Principals in Jerash Governorate, and find the difference between the responsesof study samples due to their variables (teaching stage, gender, and experiencein administration). The sample of the study consisted of (150) from both male and female Principals were chosen by using the intentional method. In order to achieve the study objectives tow questionnaires were developed, the first one was to measure the practiced leadership styles and consisted of (35) items distributed among four fields democratic style, laizes fair style, autocratic style, and disorder style, and the second one was to measure the practiced Communication Stylesand consisted of (23) items distributed among four fields: lowCommunication style, ascending Communication style,horizontal Communication style and multi-directional Communication styleafter verifying the construction validity and the realability.The results of the study showed that the practiced leadership styles among public school principalscame as follows the democratic leadership style was rated in the first rank within high degree, followed by laizes fair style within a moderate degree was rated in the second rank then the disorder leadership style came in the third rank within a moderate degree finally the autocratic leadership style was rated in the fourth rank within a moderate degree.The results of the study also showed that the administrative Communication styles among public school principalswere classified due to their means within practiced degree (moderate). And the results showed that the values of correlation coefficient between the leadership styles and the practiced Communication styles and their dimensions among the public school principals were a statistical significant atthe level of (α≤0.05).And also, there is a statistical significant differenceat the level of (α≤0.05) between the leadership styles and the practiced Communication styles among public school principalsdueto the study variables (teaching stage, gender,and experiencein administration).In the light of the study result the researcher recommended many recommendations.
Recommended Citation
Salem, Husni
"The Practiced Leadership Styles and their Relation to Administrative Communication Styles among Public School Principals in Jerash Governorate,"
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities): Vol. 33:
2, Article 6.
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