"The Meta-Analysis of Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Reliability" by Naila N. Al Kharusi, Hussain Al Kharousi et al.
An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)




The study aimed at meta-analysis of the reliability coefficients of Wisconsin Card Sorting Test scores to find out the typical estimate value of the reliability coefficient of test scores, and to reveal the various factors that may contribute to the high or low value of the reliability coefficient. A total of (36) studies were subjected to meta-analysis of reliability, where the number of reliability coefficients calculated were (206) reliability coefficients out of (16) indicators of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. The current study focused on (98) reliability coefficients calculated by the method of test-retest reliability for six indicators. The results showed that the reliability coefficients generally ranged between (0.3) and (0.7). Also, the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the reliability coefficients attributed to the independent variables. The study concluded that other tests besides the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test should be used for research purposes or in the diagnostic process to detect insufficiency of the executive functions of the brain.
