Volume 38, Issue 5 (2024)
The Meta-Analysis of Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Reliability
Naila N. Al Kharusi, Hussain Al Kharousi, and Mai Helmy
The Call of (Yā Abati) in the Holy Qur'an - An Analytical Study
Hatem M. Mazroaa
Trying Out the Electronic Case Management System in the UAE and Its Compliance with Fundamental Judicial Guarantees
Abdulla A. Alkhatib
The Effectiveness of the Israeli Digital Diplomacy Targeting the Arab Public on Social Media Platforms
Moeen Koa and Hiba Nassar
Mediation Pursuant to Decree Law No.4 of 2016 Concerning Juvenile Protection
Shadi O. Jabbarin, Norfadhilah Binti Mohamad Ali, and Ahmad Bin Salleh
The Relevance of IFRS Accounting Information: Evidence from a Pure IFRS Environment
muiz Abu Alia, khairieh Amarneh, and Islam Abdeljawad
The Degree of Inclusion of Twenty-First Century Skills in the Devel-oped Science Textbook of the Eighth Grade in Jordan
jehad A. almomani and Mo'en S. Alnasraween