Journal of Engineering Research

Proposed Selection Criteria of Contractors in the Egyptian Construction Projects Biddings
Ahmed Atia,
The moment-gradient factor in lateral– torsional buckling of castellated steel beams under mid-span concentrated load
Investigation of 3D Polynomial Model for the Geometric Correction of GeoEye Imagery
Samah Abo Ramadan,
Using of Calcined Clay in soil subbase materials
Nesreen Elawadly,
Intelligent Over-vibration Protection Modeling & Simulation For Three Phase Induction Motor
Ayman Eissa
Design of Integrated Millimeter Wave Microstrip Pseudo-Interdigital Band pass Filter Using 0.18μm CMOS Technology
Nessim Mahmoud
Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Cancelable Biometric System for Speaker Recognition
, Basant Abd El-wahab