International Arab Journal of Dentistry
Volume 8, Issue 3 (2017)
Original Articles
Impact factor and Scopus Database
Edgard NEHMÉ Prof
Regenerative treatment of an immature tooth with apical periodontitis using Platelet- Rich Fibrin and MM-MTA: a case report
Revisiting oral & maxillofacial surgical views as practiced by Al Zahrawi: A review
Fareedi MUKRAM ALI, Ghassan AL-IRYANI, Muzaffar FARIDI, Mohammed FAQEEH, and Huda MDABESH
Stem cells in the oral cavity
Chadi TORBAY and Fadl KHALED
Synchronisation des étapes cliniques et de laboratoire d’une réhabilitation totale maxillaire et mandibulaire par prothèse composite : cas clinique
Fadi RAHI, Nadine KAMEL, Hélène HADDAD, and Elie ZEBOUNI