"The Effectiveness of a Training Program Based on Behavioral Modificati" by هيثم عبد الرحمن الحياري and Dr.Jamal Al-Khatib

Jordanian Educational Journal


This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a training program based on behavioral modification techniques in providing mothers of children with autism spectrum with behavioral skills for dealing with their children in the United Arab Emirates. The study sample consisted of thirty mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder between the ages of (5-10) years, and has been randomly divided into two experimental and control groups taking into the group equivalence. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers prepared a training program based on behavioral modification techniques, and a measure for the level of possession of mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder for these behavioral modification techniques. It consisted of (40) items after the extraction of semantics of its validity and reality was made as a tool for judging the effectiveness of the program. To derive the results, the mean and standard deviations of the experimental and control group members were calculated, and the analysis of the combined variance and the modified averages was performed. The results indicated that there were significant differences at (α = 0.05) in the performance on the scale of the level of acquisition of the mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder for behavioral modification techniques, attributed to the group in total and sub dimensions, in favor of the experimental group. This indicates an improvement in the mothers' coping skills with the behaviors of their autistic spectrum children, as well as the effectiveness of the training program, which was given to mothers in the experimental group compared to the control group.

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