"Building Standard Levels of Fitness Elements for Students Enrolled in " by زيد احمد اللوباني

Jordanian Educational Journal


The study aimed at building standard levels of fitness elements for students enrolled in swimming courses at the Faculty of Physical Education at Yarmouk University. The descriptive approach and the survey method were used to suit the nature of the study. The study sample consisted of 130 students enrolled in swimming courses at the Faculty of Physical Education at Yarmouk University. The results of the study showed that the standard levels were created to evaluate the fitness elements of the students of the Faculty of Physical Education at Yarmouk University in the tests (jogging, running 50 meters, wide jump of stability, bending the trunk forward of long sitting, throwing the medical ball weighing 3 kg hands of stability, And even tighten on the mind, run a mile and a half). The researcher recommended the adoption of standards and the standard levels prepared by the researcher to evaluate the fitness elements of students of the Faculty of Physical Education enrolled in swimming courses at Yarmouk University.

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