
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


Abed Farajalla


This study aimed at identifying the effect of using the educational gameson acquiring some mathematical skills among the low achievers in the fourthgrade in the middle governorate of the Gaza Strip.To achieve the objectives of this study, the researcher used thedescriptive analytical method, as well as the experimental method. The studysample consisted of two groups; the experimental and the control group.The experimental group, consisting of (31) students, was taught by using theeducational games. While the control group, consisting of (32) Students, wastaught by the usual way, then the mathematical skills test was applied.The study concluded the following results: the need to prepare a listof mathematical skills required for the low achievers in the fourth grade inthe middle governorate of the Gaza Strip, and prepare a list of educationalgames to acquire mathematical skills. The findings also showed that thereare statistically significant differences between the grades means of the lowachievers in the fourth grade of the experimental group and the control groupin favor of the experimental group in the post achievement test

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