
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


This study aimed to evaluate the formative and summative activitiescontained in the textbooks of Islamic education for grades I, II and III inJordan. An analysis instrument has been used. It consists of nine domains.Each has a number of subordinate levels. The total number of activities thathave been analyzed was (240) activities for the first grade, (251) activitiesfor the second grade, and (136) activities for the third grade. The studyfound that the outcomes of the activities are distributed between cognitiveand psychomotor domains while the lower outcomes are the emotionalones. Furthermore, there were appropriate instructions in the majority ofactivities. In terms of the nature of the activity, the majority of the activitieswere individual. As for the impact of difference in grade level in the technicalcharacteristics of the activities, it was noted that there is independence in thedistribution of frequencies to levels in all the aspects of the instrument exceptfor the appropriateness of the activity for the grade level. Thus, the studyrecommends paying more attention to the diversification of activities’ levelsand giving more focus for the emotional domain. There is also a need for thecreation of innovative and new activities
