
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


The study aims at discovering the effect of the technique that involves usingeducational games compared to the traditional technique of teaching inhelping the students who have hearing disabilities understand the arithmeticconcepts of addition and subtraction both in direct and indirect ways.The study tried to verify the following hypotheses:♦♦ There is no statistical significance at the level (a=0.05) between thegrades of the two groups: the control & the experimental group in theaddition test.♦♦ There is no statistical significance at the level (a=0.05) between thegrades of the two groups: the control & the experimental group in thesubtraction test.♦♦ There is no statistical significance at the level (a=0.05) between themeans for the grades of the two groups: the control & the experimentalgroup in the pre and post practice for the addition and subtraction test.♦♦ The study tools included preparing addition and subtraction lessonsaccording to the technique of using educational games and samples ofthese games and the addition and subtraction tests.♦♦ The study reached the following findings:♦♦ The differences between the two groups (the control and the experimental)in the addition test were in favor of the experimental group but thedifference did not reach a statistically significant difference.♦♦ In the subtraction test, the differences between the two groups hadstatistical significance at the level (a=0.01) in favor of the experimentalgroup.♦♦ There were substantial differences between the means of the grades foreach of the two groups in the pre and post application for the additionand subtraction tests in favor of the of post application for both groupsbut in different levels
