
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


This study aims at identifying the degree to which the objectives of Islamic education curricula in kindergartens were achieved from the point of view of teachers in Irbid First Directorate. The study was based on a descriptive approach. A questionnaire was prepared to measure the degree to which the objectives of the kindergartens’ Islamic education curricula were achieved. The study sample consisted of 250 teachers from governmental and private kindergartens in the Irbid First Directorate. The results showed that the objectives of the curricula of Islamic education in kindergartens achieve the objectives of the curriculum on a medium degree. The most prominent of which is the field of cognitive to a high degree followed by the behavioral and the emotional with a medium degree for both. The results indicated that there were no statistically significant differences at the level of a≤0. 05 in all fields of study: emotional goals, cognitive goals, behavioral goals and teacher estimates of the extent for the achievement of the objectives of Islamic education curriculum in kindergarten in Irbid First Directorate as a whole, due to the variables: experience, scientific qualification, and interaction between them. The researchers recommended the need to review the mechanism by which the curricula of Islamic education for the kindergarten stage and focus on achieving behavioral and emotional objectives and development of these objectives.
