
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


The research aims to reveal the effectiveness of teaching a unit in science using project-based learning according to the integrative approach in developing design thinking skills among students of the ninth grade, the researchers followed the descriptive approaches (analytical method: content analysis), and the semi-experimental approach (single group design (Before - After), the research materials and tools were determined in analyzing the content of the unit according to the dimensions of the integrative approach, the proposed unit, the teacher's guide to implement unit teaching, the list of design thinking skills, a note of design thinking skills, the research was conducted on (40) nine ninth female students Why Taiba Secondary School for Girls, Directorate of Education, East Khan Yunis, where the results of the study showed that there are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α = 0.01) between the average female students ’degrees in design thinking skills in the pre and post application of the note card, and that to teach science according to existing learning The project according to the integrative approach has a significant impact on the development of design thinking skills among ninth grade students, where the value of the ETA square reached the size of the impact (ƞ² = 0.98), and the research recommended the use of project-based learning in accordance with the integrative approach in the design of teaching in the various subjects, as well as in the intermediate stages Various hydrates, by applying a type of integration (coordination, tummy tuck, connectivity, communication and blending).
