
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


The study aimed to identify the degree of science teachers’ understanding of the nature of science and their practice of it in light of some variables in the Ajloun Education Directorate. It also aims to find out whether there are differences between teachers in understanding the nature of science and their practice of it attributable to specialization, the number of years of service, and the academic degree. The study used the relational descriptive approach. Data were collected through two tools. The first is a test to measure the degree of science teachers’ understanding of the dimensions of the nature of science consisting of 34 items of the multiple choice type, and a second tool was used to measure the degree of science teachers’ practice of the nature of science dimensions as the questionnaire consisted of 2) items; they were divided into five areas. The sample of the study consisted of 200 male and female science teachers in Ajloun governorate. The results of the study showed a low relative importance to test the nature of science, and a high degree of practice for science teachers in relation to the nature of science. The results also showed a positive correlation between science teachers’ understanding of the nature of science and their practice of it. There are no differences in understanding the nature of science due to the effect of specialization and scientific degree. The results revealed the existence of differences in understanding the nature of science due to the effect of years of service. It also showed that there were no differences due to the effect of specialization and years of service, and the presence of differences attributed to the effect of the academic degree in all fields except for the concept of science and the nature of science and the differences came in favor of the academic degree diploma. The study recommended training science teachers during their service and increasing attention to topics that develop the understanding of science such as the philosophy of science, the nature of science, and interest in modern teaching strategies that enable them to highlight that understanding in the classroom..
