Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

The study aims to identify the contribution of psychological capital and ego strength in predicting psychological stress among mothers with children with an autism spectrum disorder in Jordan. The study sample consists of 75 mothers chosen in the available way. The Measures of psychological capital, psychological stress, and ego strength are used to achieve the objectives of the study. The result indicates that the level of ego strength was high, while the levels of psychological capital and psychological stress are moderate. The results also showed that ego strength, educational level, and the number of family members explain 61.9% of the explained psychological stress variance. The ego strength only explains 57.8% of the explained variance of stress. In contrast, the factors of psychological capital and the age of the mother do not contribute to the prediction of stress in mothers. Also, the result indicates that there were no statistically significant differences in stress attributable to the mother’s age, educational level, and the number of family members. The study comes out with a number of recommendations, the most important of which was providing orientation programs for mothers with children with an autism spectrum disorder to enhance psychological support and invest their capabilities to overcome the problems resulting from the birth of a child with an autism spectrum disorder.
Recommended Citation
Alshwayat, Ala'a Mohammed and Alsharah, Hussein Salem
"The Contribution of The Psychological Capital Elements and the Ego Power to Predict the Psychological Stress Among Mothers with Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in Jordan,"
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies: Vol. 12:
34, Article 20.
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