
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


This study aimed to investigate the predictive ability of lifestyles, marital communication, and some personality disorders in marital distress among a sample of spouses. To achieve the purposes of the study, the lifestyles scale, marital communication scale, personality disorders scale, and marital distress scale were used after verifying their validity and reliability. The sample of the study consisted of 436 spouses selected with available sampling method using a computerized program. The results of the study showed that the spoiled lifestyle is the predominant among the sample of spouses, except couples from the marriage category ranging from 5-10 years, and the middle economic income category and the controlled-harmful of life were dominant. The results showed that the level of marital communication among the study sample members was high and the level of marital distress was average. The results of the regression analysis also showed that the variables predicting marital distress are statistically significant, and these are: Marital communication, the controlling-harmful lifestyle, the obsessive personality style, and spoiled lifestyle explained 55% of the variance in marital distress, where marital communication explain 37.7% of the variance, the controlled-harmful lifestyle 11.5%, the obsessive personality pattern 3.3%, and the spoiled lifestyle 2.4%, while the obedient lifestyle variable, the avoided personality pattern and the dependent personality pattern were not statistically significant.
