Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Article Title
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of timed reading (TR) andrepeated reading (RR) methods in the performance of sixth basic grade studentsof the speed- reading and comprehension reading skills. To achieve the aim ofthe study two tools were constructed: examination of reading comprehension,as well as the ten texts to apply the methods instruction. The subjects of thestudy consisted of (87) sixth- grade female students from University ModelSchool. They were distributed into (3) groups a control group (28) studentstaught using the conventional method, and two experimental groups: the first(30) students were taught using the timed reading method, and the second(29) students were taught using repeated reading. Semi- experimental designbased on pretest and post- test and delayed test was used, and applied to thethree groups. The results of the study indicated that there were statisticalsignificant differences (a=0,05) between the means of the study subjectsperformance in terms of reading comprehension skills, which are due to theteaching method in favor of the two experimental groups (timed and repeatedreading) . As well as the existence of statistical significant differences (a=0,05)between the means of the study subjects performance of the two experimentalgroup of reading comprehension skill, in the favor of the timed reading. Basedon those results, the researcher recommends using the methods of timed andrepeated reading among basic grade students.
Recommended Citation
Ayasrah, Razan Mutlaq and Ashour, Rateb Qasim
"The Effect of Timed and Repeated Reading Methods on Developing Comprehension Reading Skills among 6th Grade Students in Jordan,"
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies: Vol. 4:
13, Article 15.
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