
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


The aim of this study is to investigate the degree of the effect of practicingthe management of change on the employees› job satisfaction in Palestinianuniversities from their viewpoint. To collect the necessary data, the researcherprepared a questionnaire which was valid and reliable.To test the study hypothesis, the researcher used the analytical descriptivemethodology, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) , includingarithmetic mediations, standard deviations and ANOVA. The study revealedthe following:1. The degree of the effect of practicing the management of change on theemployees› job satisfaction in Palestinian universities from their viewpointat statistical level (a≤0.05) was high.2. There is an effect of practicing the management of change on theemployees› job satisfaction in Palestinian universities from their viewpointat statistical level (a≤0.05) attributed to the variables (sex for womenfavour, period of service for the category less than five years favour,nature of job for academic work favor, salary for the category less than800 J. D. and place of work for An- Najah National University favor) .3. There is no effect of practicing the management of change on theemployees› job satisfaction in Palestinian universities from theirviewpoint at statistical level (a≤0.05) attributed to the variables(age and scientific qualifications). In the light of study, the researcherrecommends: Spreadout awareness of the signficance of culture of changeamong the employees in Palestinian universities, encourgeing employeesin Palestinian universities to involve in change management in order toenhance job security among them, and Improve employee’ job satisfactionat Palestinian universities.
