
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


The purpose of this study was to determinethe effectiveness of A Training Program Based onSelf- determination Theory in improving SocialMotivation for 10th students in Jordan, Thesample of the study consisted of (68) male childrenfrom UNRWA schools in 10th grades, who wererandomly divided into two equal groups, a controland an experimental group. To achieve the goalsof the study, a training program، consisting of (16)sessions was developed. Each session lasted for(45) minutes, and covered the three human needson self- determination theory (SDT) : competence,relatedness, and autonomy. Application of theprogram lasted for (40) days. The researchersdeveloped a social motivation scale after ensuringconstruct and content validity. Cronback alphacoefficient was found, ensuring internal consistencyof the scale. One- Way Ancova analysis revealed thatthe training program had a significant differenceat (a≤0.05) on children’s social motivation ontotal scores of the social motivation scale for theexperimental group due to the training program.Also One- Way Mancova analysis revealed thatthere were significant differences at (a≤0.05) onchildren’s social motivation on the all subtests ofthe social motivation scale (sociability, belonging,social support, intimacy and responsibility) dueto the training program. For a follow –up tests APaired sample t- test were computed between themeans of the two groups (experimental post- testand one- month follow up) The results revealed nosignificant differences at (a≤0.05) , which indicatedThe reliability of the program over time. The resultswere discussed, and a number of recommendationswere suggested.
