
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


The current paper aims to detect thecharacteristics of facial features processing amongschizophrenic and autistic people, and their role incomprehending the identity of faces and emotionalexpression. Schizophrenia is similar to autismwith respect to weakness in treating the facialexpressions. Based on the importance of our facialexpressions in our social life, this will influenceautistic and schizophrenic people psychologicallyand socially. This will lead to exacerbate manysymptoms of autism and schizophrenia. In thispaper, we underpinned the rate, features, holisticand analytical processing of these features as theyare considered the basis in comprehending facialfeatures of autistic and schizophrenic people.Not only there are similarities in the natureof facial features processing between autisticand schizophrenic children, but also there is adefect in the cerebral regions (fusiform gyrus andthe amygdala of the brain) responsible for theseprocesses and processors. Schizophrenic patientsis limited to defect in configurations and holisticprocessing. But features processing and analyticalprocessing remain intact, In addition to this deficitwith autistic children, there is another problem in theprocessing of eye feature and analytical processingfor the eyes. This worksheet reached a number ofconclusions and recommendations that are expectedto be employed in future researches and practicalenvironment in the further development in this area.
