
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


The research aimed to investigate theeffectiveness of a program based on cooperativelearning in the development of content analysisskills of mathematics content and the attitudestowards mathematics among mathematics femalestudents in the Department of Mathematics, Facultyof Education at Al- Aqsa University in Gaza.The researcher used the experimental method.The sample consisted of (27) female students onwhom he administered the content analysis test,and the attitudes towards mathematics scale. Theresearch findings showed the effectiveness of theproposed program in the development of the skillsof mathematics content analysis as the effect sizewas large and it's value was 0.60 using ETA square.Besides, the program maintained a high level ofattitudes towards mathematics as it was high beforeprogram implementation.
