
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


This study aims at investigating the extentto which the textbooks of General Science for theupper primary stag at Palestin meet internationalstandard. The study deals with the two GeneralScience textbooks for the ninth and tenth gradeswhich are currently taught at the Palestinian publicschools. The two textbooks have (515) pages. Thestudy sample involves 10 % of the units whichwere selected according to the stratified randommethod. The researcher has employed two tools toanalyze the content of the two books in accordanceto international standards. The first tool consists ofthree topics for each one, the features indicating itspresence in the books were described. The content ofthe study sample was analyzed and the frequencies aswell as the percentages of the scientific aspects andtopics involved in the content of the two textbookswere calculated.The study came up with the followingconclusions:The two textbooks of General Science for boththe ninth and tenth grades involved to a high extentthe following aspect respectively:♦♦ The aspect of concept integration with thescientific progresses, the aspect of science asan concept integration with the investigativeprocess, the aspect of science history and nature, the aspect of science from an individual and asocial view, and finally the aspect of science andtechnology.♦♦ The two analyzed textbooks involved to a greatextent biology, physics ,and finally geology andspace study which were limited to the content ofthe ninth grade science book only.
