
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


The study aimed at detecting the degree ofmoral intelligence of students at AlZaytoonahUniversity of Jordan, according to their point ofview, and the impact of the variables of gender andfaculty and their interaction thereon.For that purpose, the researchers designed aseven- aspect scale of moral intelligence distributedto a random sample of (453) male and femalestudents in their first semester (2015- 2016) .The results of the study have shown thatAlZaytoonah University students have a highdegree of moral intelligence as a whole. However,significant differences have been indicated in thevariables of gender and faculty in favor of femalestudents, in comparison with male students, and ofscientific faculties in comparison with humanities.The results have also indicated significant differencesresulting from the interaction between gender andfaculty variables in the aspects of shyness, respectand empathy, also in favor of scientific faculties andof female students.The study recommends that the universityenvironment (lectures, extra- curricular activities,conferences, seminars and students’ councils)be invested in developing the various aspects ofstudents’ moral intelligence.
