
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


This study aimed at investigating the impact of a training program based on goleman theory of emotional intelligence on development of academic self-efficacy and identity achieved among adolescent students .The sample of the study consisted of (40) students in the basic ninth grade in Om Tufail Secondary School for Girls ages from (14-15). The students were divided into two equal groups, one is experimental consisting of (20) students, and a controled group with the same number of the experimental group. To achieve the goals of the study, the researcher built two scales: one for academic self efficacy and another one for achieved identity. A training program consisted of (20) sessions (4) pereach skill . The results concerning the Academic self efficacy showed statistical differencessignificance on the scale of Academic self efficacy at the level as )α ≤ 0,05) whole and on each field attributed to the variant of the group and for the benefit of the experimental group. The results showed statistical significance differenceson the scale of Academic self efficacy. As for The results concerning the achieved identity showed statisticalsignificancedifferences on the scale of achieved identity, the level )α ≤ 0.05) as a whole and on each field attributed to the variant of the group and for the benefit of the experimental group.
