
Midad AL-Adab Refereed Quarterly Journal

Midad AL-Adab Refereed Quarterly Journal

Publication terms

Publication terms The papers that are accepted for publication in the journal are accredited for the purposes of academic promotion. Besides, the Journal of the College of Arts seeks to be one of the most significant scientific references for scholars, researchers and faculty members at universities, institutes and scientific institutions. Having said that, the journal welcomes all researchers who want to publish their papers in the journal in accordance with the following conditions: 1- The journal adopts double blind peer review policy, where the journal has the right to choose the reviewers. It chooses them according to the field of research, and it may include reviewers from the inside or outside the review committee in the journal. 2- The period of initial reviewing in the journal is two weeks. It is started from the day of sending the research to the review committee. 3- The researcher has to fill out the forms of publishing papers (available on the journal website). Besides, the form must be sealed by the institute or the organization of the researcher. 4- The research should have the characteristics of modernity, originality, and the adoption of the scientific approach. 5- Scientific sources are referred to in the body of the research and at the end of the research as well, according to the approved methodological principles. 6- The research is presented in three printed copies, taking into account the technical style in printing research, and another copy on a CD. 7- The research includes: an abstract of the research of up to 150 words that includes the essence, objectives and methodology of the research, as well as the research title, the researcher's name, academic rank, work place and e-mail, in both Arabic and English. 8- The researcher is committed to maintaining the integrity of the Arabic language. On the top of that, the research should not have been published before and sending it to the journal is considered a pledge to do so. 9- All researches submitted for publication are examined to ensure the similarity index in it whether in (copying text or results from other sources) must not exceed 20%, and research extracted from doctoral dissertations and master's theses must not exceed 15% as a prerequisite for acceptance for publication. 10- The journal adheres to the scientific methodological rules and the legal and scientific rights of publishing and its publishers. 11- The research published in the journal remains its exclusive property. 12- The materials are not returned to their authors in all cases. 13- Publishing fees shall be as follows: - (125) thousand Iraqi dinars for those who are inside Iraq with (15) thousand Iraqi dinars as fees for checking the similarity index of the research. - (100) dollars for those from outside Iraq with (15) dollars for checking similarity index of the research. Editorial Board .