
Midad AL-Adab Refereed Quarterly Journal

Midad AL-Adab Refereed Quarterly Journal


Soil is a world in itself and can be understood and deepened and its various characteristics only through the breadth of the horizon of human knowledge and soil is the product of multiple geographically and interrelated elements such as (air, water, rocks, biology, climate, terrain and time) The importance of this study to use an applied analytical methodology in Detecting, monitoring, analyzing and producing maps of the spatial variation of the geological manifestations represented by the physical and chemical properties of many mineral elements within the soil and their impact on the nature of the soil within the study area and the basic problem represented by the problem of salinity facing the soil in Iraq It is located within an area characterized by a dry climate, especially the area of the plain sedimentary plain low slope, Highlights the role of natural and human geographic factors and their impact on the spread of the problem of salinity in some governorates of Iraq and therefore its impact on agricultural land. The study shows that the cultivated areas suffer from severe salinization in many governorates, especially the central parts of them. Arable areas and thus low dunum productivity
