
Midad AL-Adab Refereed Quarterly Journal

Midad AL-Adab Refereed Quarterly Journal


The paper is an expanded study of thepolitical andadministrativeroles of two Mongols' emperors who were models for the political and administrative lives. They were affected by and affected the events in the Mughal court. Moreover, they had other important roles in management and construction as well as their interests in science and scientists and they patronised them. Accordingly the Mongols and their princes focused on a number of them that they trusted them and consulted them in several things that concern the country.

Undoubtedly, the wives' concern in the political and administrative matters stemmed from their desire for achieving esteem in addition to being outstanding wives and motherswhich made it important for writers to document their names.

The paper starts with two significant examples of the Mongols' wives who had an influential role in the court as well as the country. The paper starts with a brief biography of the lives and deaths of each one of the Mongols' wives, their husbands and children
