
Midad AL-Adab Refereed Quarterly Journal

Midad AL-Adab Refereed Quarterly Journal


What Al-Mubarad Disagrees with the Basras in hhis book al-Ensaaf fi masael Al-Khalaf

The researcher tackles the issues in which Al-Mubarad violates the group of Basri people in his book al-Ensaaf fi masael Al-Khalaf. The study contains six issues: three of which about articles and the other threes nouns.

The study was introduced by a biography of Imam Al-Mubarad in which we tackle his name, date of birth and the reason he called so in addition to the sheikhs, disciples and his most important writings.

I dpened on the two books of Al-Mubarad (Al-Kamil and al-Muqtadhab) in addition to the book al-Ensaaf fi masael Al-Khalaf by Al-Anbari. Also, I depended on other Arab books the most notable of which is Al-Kitab.

The study was concluded with the most important findings.
