
Midad AL-Adab Refereed Quarterly Journal

Midad AL-Adab Refereed Quarterly Journal


The books are full of linguists mention Quranic verses; not so strange; The Quran is the most important sources of the Arabic language. Upon reading the citations of these imams Quranic verses we see that they gave their opinions in the interpretation of many of them, and many of these views have a high value for use in the interpretation of the Qur'an and understand its meaning.

From here we see that the language of scholars wrote dictionaries and books about and the other is the great treasury of important explanatory views the problem of the basis of interpretation of language.

The researcher selected to be the focus of his study this book of the books of the imams of language; That is the book ((brief)) to Abu Abbas, Muhammad ibn Yazid radiator (d. 285 AH), try the researcher to highlight the approach coolant in interpretation introduced the method of coolant in a speech to witness the Qur'an, then Turning to the display rules of the interpretative approach when coolant. The researcher concluded the results, including:

  1. The book's brief book about cooler, but that the views of Investigation and explanatory must be found and studied.
  2. Find the most prominent leaders of the importance of books as for the explanation, it is the nucleus of the interpretation graph, and they built a brand Abdalqahir Jorjani Quranic theory of systems.
  3. Linguists often means endoscopically between Quranic verses and carry each other, especially in the interpretation of the methods contained in some of them, to show that these methods used and not strange or abnormal.
  4. He expressed the status of research and its importance in clarifying the meaning of the Quranic and Tglath.
  5. The need to carry Koranic verses on the best face cream Alaarabah is stilted.
  6. Should be cautious in dealing with the issue of excess letters expressing at the Holy Quran and its interpretation, and away from the claim to increase a character as long as possible, the interpretation of the Quranic verse without it.
  7. Notes on the radiator that was responding to reading, although frequent if not in line with the doctrine of language, and this attitude is almost as imams for years, so has to be considered critical in examining their views on the readings and channeling.
