
Midad AL-Adab Refereed Quarterly Journal

Midad AL-Adab Refereed Quarterly Journal


American – Egyptian relations is important relationships for both parties, as have kperfi affected each country's foreign policy towards the other and towards many international and regional issues of common character Maslahi, the approach of these relations, to find that the nature of difference in terms of cooperation or collision has dominated the American – Egyptian relations, in the era of president Jamal Abdel Nasser of difference and conflict prevailed on the nature of character that relations reached its war of 1967 and the severance of diplomatic relations between the two countries, although this character did not without its moments of cooperation's and possibly meet the goals.

In the U.S. position of the Suez war in 1956 and its incompatibility with Western allies.

In contrast to the era of the president Anwar Sadat see a cooperative character on the degree of strategic alignment of goals and means, especially after the Camp David Accords and the Egyptian peace treaty – Israeli.

The American – Egyptian relations witnessed fundamental stages:

Crisis phase: Aphase which started since 1955, until 1971, this period witnessed cooperation followed by collision peaked sever relations between the two countries.

Stage special friendship: the extended since 1973 until 1979, during which time completed Egyptian Pease treaty – Israeli.

That those agreements made to the American side made great achievements in international relations. First – weaken Soviet influence in the middle East. Secondly – achieving peace between Israel and Egypt, because Egyptian in the largest Arab force.

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