
Midad AL-Adab Refereed Quarterly Journal

Midad AL-Adab Refereed Quarterly Journal


Thank for allah , the God of all and pece upon our master mohammed and on his follower ,what else.

The Holy quraan that allah had sent to mohammed (peace up on him) is aguidance ,mercy ,light and a protection hence no way to amend the nation dignity and nature other than following the quraan .all should under sland what it means and directs

After getting a wide glance at quraan ,the term "kneeling and barrow "has been chosen ,that the researcher has dedicted it and found that it has been mentioned in eight quranic verse .so the present research tries to a chiere these aims .

The present study includes two sections:-

The first section: the keeling in the present world containg three aims:-

1-the definition of kneeling and barrow concerning he language and its semantics

2-the kneeling that thamoud tribe caught

3-the kneeling that madin tribe caught

The second section : the barrow in the hereafter

A conclusion follows this section that includes the most important results that the present study concludes . then bibliography or list of referees that contribute to provide the research with good in formalin

The criterion that the researcher adopts is an objective represented by comprising the verses firstly than they are divided according to the subjects ,then arranged alphabetically .ltadeeth and exposition books have been depended on as well as linguistics and prophetic curriculum ones .
