
Palestine Technical University Research Journal


The study aimed to get to know the Degree check of the future role of the Pre-service teachers Palestinian universities based on the employment of modern technological innovations in their view, For achieving the study objectives, the researcher has developed a questionnaire consists of (62) paragraphs, whereas the study population consists of (794) students from the Palestinian Universities, and hired a researcher statistical methods (SPSS) .The study found that the Degree check of the future role of the Pre-service teachers Palestinianuniversities based on the employment of modern technological innovations from the perspective of students' ability (3.52), a with a relative weight (70.3%) among the study sample.The findings revealed that there were no statistically significant differences at (α≤0.05) in the future role of Pre-service teachers Palestinian universities based on the employment of modern technological innovations as seen by university Pre-service teachers the Gaza Strip due to the variable sex (male, female), and variable university in both (Al-Azhar and Al-Aqsa); while no statistically significant due to the variable university estimate differences, there is a difference in the degree of response among the study sample attributed to (excellent / very good). The study made anumber of recom-mendations and suggestions.
