مجلة جامعة الإمارات للبحوث القانونية UAEU LAW JOURNAL


It is completely easy to pass and send any electronic data everywhere to the persons you want in the world in a very quick and short time, regardless the size and the data type.

This is due to the invention of electronic programs that help to save time and efforts. (the E – mail).

As a result of this electronic development in the all related fields that serve humankind, a new encounter technology and illegal use of technology has occurred and used illegally by hackers to destroy and penetrate exclusive information for specific people.

For this illegal hacking attempt requires the hackers to pay a fine, according to the international cybercrime law.

Therefore, the UAE must necessarily issue a cybercrime law by referring to the general rules and civil liability in the law of transactions to punish the electronic hackers.



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