Volume 38, Issue 11 (2024)
The Effect of Training Using Medicine Balls on the Muscular Strength of Children Aged (9-12) Years Practicing Karate in the Gaza Strip
Ahmad H. Abuzayda
The Impact of Incidental Doubt on the Continuation of the Descriptive Attribute that Establishes the Ruling According to the Maliki School – An Applied Foundational Study
Khlouq D. Agha, Shibli A. Obeidat, Rogayah S. Alqaraleh, and Ibrahim A. Abualadas
Knowledge Economy and its Impact on Economic Growth and Per-Capita Income: Evidence from Arab Countries
Ahmad M. Khreisat, Nahil Saqfalhait, Khawlah Spetan, and Raad M. Al-Tal
Beyond the Occupation: Palestinian Youth and the Struggle for Political Change
Tarik Mokadi and Ayman T. Yousef
Unraveling the Impact of Cognitive Test Anxiety on Academic Performance among Adolescents: The case of minority and majority communities
Zulfiqar Ullah Siddiqui and Wael M. F. Abuhassan